Thursday, November 17, 2011

Meet Ruby!

Well after realizing how small our little 2 door Pontiac Grand Am was, and seeing as though it had gotten into like 4 accidents, and with winter coming along it was only 2 wheel drive and scared the living daylights out of me when the roads were even the slightest bit slick....

We bought RUBY!

She is pretty much my favorite car ever
and we got a pretty good deal on her too. 
And we definitely put her to the test on the way home! 

The dealership was all the way in Jackson, WY about 2 hours away and every time we go I cry when we go through the Swan Valley Pass.  It literally is the scariest thing in the whole world when there is snow on it.  And even though it's only November there was a ton of it! Enough that people were snowboarding down the side of the mountain.  Well our little blue car could barely make it up the mountain, and it's brake aren't too swell anymore (we are in the process of fixing them)  With my hands and nails digging into the car and sobbing a bit because I have this overwhelming fear that we are going to somehow drive off the side of the freaking mountain, I actually told Ben that we should just turn around!!!!  Well we are glad we didn't!  Ben drove the little blue car home and I got to drive Ruby.  She has all wheel drive so it was a lot less scary, and the tires were pretty good too.  She does have some miles on her but a lot of them we're from the highway. I had some preferences for the new car, because I was going to be the one primarily driving it because it's the safer one, so Ben wanted me and Sadie to be as safe as possible.  What a good guy! He's so sweet!  I had my heart set on a hatchback, or a non dorky looking wagon.  I really like the space and this may sound stupid but...I can see better out of the back window which = less accidents!I also wanted something that had really good gas mileage.  Ruby definitely does! She gets 26 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway.  They filled it up at the dealership and when we got home from the 2 hour drive the tank was still on full! It has a really nice interior and is in good condition.  Ben knows that this car has to last us a while so I'm going to take really good care of it! Changing the oil every 3 months and rotating the tires, I'm going to treat this car like a second baby!

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